In the last blog, we discussed the dietary benefits of the Chia seed.  This week I'd like to discuss consumption. Usually, I like to provide you with research-based information.  Unfortunately, on this topic I'm having to rely on more anecdotal information.  The below listed information is simply that which I've amassed from Internet searches, personal experience, and patient reports.

First of all, it is important to note that the Chia seed is a high fiber, gelatinous substance that if overconsumed can cause gastric distress.  Eating more than one tablespoon at a time could lead to excessive gas production and stomach distress.  Also, remember that the chia seed does have a caloric equivalent of 60 calories per tablespoon. Overconsumption of any food can always lead to weight gain.

The response from the chia seed that aids in appetite suppression is its expansion to 10 times its size when digested.  Because the chia seed has a hard outer covering, I hypothesize that you may have better results, with faster Chia expansion, if the outer covering is broken prior to ingestion.  You can do this one of two ways.  You can either chew the seeds by themselves or sprinkle them over whatever food you are consuming and chew them with your meal (the Chia seed has very little flavor). The second way would be to grind the seeds with a mortar and pedestal prior to consumption and swallow them with a glass of water.

The problem that I have encountered when chewing the seeds is that they will get into your teeth, similar to eating foods such as strawberries.  This can be a problem.  In addition to feeling as though you've got something stuck in your teeth, the Chia seed also forms its gelatinous expansion in your mouth.  This will give your teeth a slimy feeling.  Personally, I found this irritating.

Another problem with consuming the Chia seed during a meal is that you may not get as much benefit.  I personally think you will get better results if you consume the Chia seeds 20 to 30 minutes before a meal.  This will allow the gelatinous expansion to take up space in your stomach reducing the amount of food you'll be able to eat during your meal before your stomach registers satiety.

Once again, most of the above information is strictly anecdotal.  I would be thrilled if I could get some feedback on your responses with the Chia seed.  Let me and others know what seems to work best for you.