The Facts About Diabetes
Diabetes is a serious disorder that is growing at an epidemic rate. Currently 12 to 15% of the population is diabetic. In Riverside and San Bernardino County, it is estimated that 50% of the population is diabetic or prediabetic. A recent study done in Southern California showed that one third of hospitalized patients are diabetic. The average diabetic cost, per person, per year, is $7900. Diabetics have 2 to 4 times higher risk of stroke and heart attack the nondiabetics. 60% of all traumatic amputations are in diabetics. The leading cause of kidney failure and new onset blindness is diabetes. 60 to 70% of all diabetics have mild to severe nervous damage.
Why Is Diabetes Devastating
Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the cells of the body are insulin resistant. Insulin is a hormone that acts as a transport vehicle to help the body take blood sugars from the bloodstream into the cells. The cells then utilize the blood sugar for energy. In a diabetic’s case, because the cells are insulin resistant, sugar is not able to get from the bloodstream into the cells. This causes the sugar levels in the bloodstream to elevate. Elevation of sugars in the bloodstream, in turn, causes the blood to become thick and viscous. In this state, the blood is unable to travel efficiently through the blood vessels and get oxygen and nutrition to the cells. Without proper oxygen and nutrition, cells die. Because the entire body is comprised of cells, that means that every tissue and organ in the body is at risk for damage due to diabetes. This is especially true of the extremities where circulation is less efficient than in more proximal tissues and body parts.
Good News
The great news is that type II diabetes is an acquired syndrome or disorder. That means that it is also reversible and/or correctable. With just mild to moderate modifications to body weight, nutrition, and exercise patterns, type 2 diabetes can be easily handled. Best of all, this process does not take years to see results. Even diabetics whose blood sugars are out-of-control will see tremendous improvement in as little as 3 to 4 months.
Don’t Be a Victim
If diabetes is not taken seriously, the results can be catastrophic. Because every tissue in your body is at risk when your blood sugars are not controlled, you are putting yourself at risk for all types of disorders ranging from heart attacks and strokes to amputations. Why play Russian roulette with your health when making some reasonable changes to your lifestyle will eliminate or greatly reduce your risk of losing your health?
Diabetes Risk Factors
While the actual cause of type II diabetes the still unknown, there are certain characteristics that have been shown to greatly increase your risk of acquiring the disease. Some of the risk factors associated with type II diabetes would be excessive body weight or obesity, high blood pressure, an age of 45 or older, and certain ethnicities ( African-American, Native Alaskan, Pacific Islander, American Indian, Asian American, native Hawaiian, or Hispanic/Latino).
American Diabetes Association Statement
Analysis of all the studies show a consistent trend that lifestyle changes are about as effective as drug therapy in delaying or preventing type II diabetes.
Take Control of Your Diabetes Today
Procrastination, in regards to maintenance, typically leads to disaster. If you fail to change the oil in your car regularly you know that you are greatly reducing the life of your vehicle and inviting costly repairs. The same is absolutely true of your body. If you do not perform routine maintenance and fix serious issues when they arise in your body then you are heading for failure. Stop putting off proper care for your most important asset. Take back control of your health and future quality-of-life by calling us today.