Why Treat Diabetes When You Can Correct It!
Type II diabetes, for most people, is a preventable/reversible condition. While the exact cause of type II diabetes is unknown, there is a definite correlation to body weight, diet, and activity levels. People engaging in faulty lifestyle choices are greatly enhancing their odds of acquiring diabetes. When you find an appliance in your home with frayed wires, do you leave the appliance plugged in and cross your fingers hoping for the best? Of course not. You know that these frayed wires could cause a fire resulting in a disaster for your home. If you have type II diabetes, and you are not addressing lifestyle changes, simply relying on medication to treat your disease, you are asking for a disaster within your body.
Fast Track’s Mission
At Fast Track, we are passionate about preventative medicine. We want to help you improve, or cure, your lifestyle related disease. As an additional bonus, we also want to improve your length and quality of life. We think that healthcare should be working to improve your health not just treat your symptoms and allow your underlying disease to continue unabated.
We take every client’s success or failure personally. If a client participating in our program is not making improvement, we consider that a personal failure. In order to ensure that we help you succeed, we don’t just give you a diet and exercise program thinking that this will be enough to achieve your goals. Instead we utilize behavior modification techniques, goalsetting, positive reinforcement, and other strategies to help ensure that our clients reach their goals.
It’s Never to Late to Change
No matter what the state of your current diabetic condition, you can always make improvement. Even if you’ve had amputations, kidney disease, or peripheral neuropathy, it is never too late to stop the progression of your disease. The body is amazingly resilient and some conditions will even reverse themselves and improve. For example, it has been shown that an overweight person that loses weight later in life has the same mortality rate as someone that was thin their entire life. As healthcare professionals, we believe that we should be providing improvement for your health not just treating disease.