Exercisor, the Treatment of Choice for Diabetes and Obesity
Exercisor is not a real medication but is instead a fictional name we coined for exercise. We wanted to give exercise a special name to make it sound like a medication so that we could directly compare exercise to other medications utilized to treat diabetes.
Side effects: every medication has side effects. Many of these side effects are extremely detrimental to your health. Ironically, some of the medication side effects even create symptoms that are counterproductive to your elimination of the original disorder. Exercise has nothing but positive side effects.
Benefits: most of the drugs utilized to treat diabetes do so by helping to control blood sugar. Exercise will not only help improve blood sugar control but will also help with weight loss, weakness, risk for premature death, declining functional abilities, poor quality of life, depression, impaired immune system function, and sexual dysfunction.
Cost: Drugs can vary greatly in cost but many are extremely expensive. Exercise is free.
Drug interactions: When taking more than three medications, side effects are no longer predictable. The more medications that you the greater the risk of problems. Exercise will not only help to reduce your dependence on diabetic medications but will also help eliminate your need for medications utilized to treat conditions such as cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Treatment recommendations: Exercise is recommended by the American Diabetes Association and the National Obesity Foundation.
Treatment comparison: The American diabetes Association has stated that exercise is as effective as medication in delaying or preventing type II diabetes.
Exercise is your Best Answer
Just as baking soda is a cure-all for everything from cleaning your teeth to keeping your refrigerator odor free, exercise is the treatment of choice for the health of your body.
Is Your Diabetes Under Control?
Blood sugar provides the energy for your body to run. But when the blood sugar becomes elevated, beyond that which is acceptable, problems ensue. Elevated blood sugars cause the blood to become thick. Thickened blood cannot travel through the small blood vessels effectively consequently robbing the cells of valuable oxygen and nutrition. Because all the cells of your body require a constant perfusion of oxygen and nutrition, elevated blood sugars can have devastating effects on all the tissues of your body. Normal fasting blood sugars, for those without diabetes, should be between 70 and 100. For diabetics, the value should be 70 to 130. Following meals, a blood sugar of 180 or less is desirable.
What Is Your A-1c?
The A-1c laboratory test is the gold standard to assess the condition of your diabetes. The A1c test measures the percentage of sugar covering the hemoglobin molecules in your red blood cells. This test provides a three-month average of your blood sugar control. Normal range is considered 4% to 5.6%. The prediabetic range is 5.7% to 6.4%. A1c values above 6.5% indicate diabetes. For diabetics, A1c values of 7%, or less, are considered diabetes under control.
Medications Are Not a Cure
Medications can provide a tremendous assistance for those with diabetes. But they should be considered transitional aides, helping to control blood sugars, until the root problem of the disorder can be addressed. No medication will eliminate your diabetes. Your diabetic condition, and the associated side effects, will continue to mount until you address a solution to your health problem. Diabetes can only be cured or regressed properly with lifestyle change.
Diabetes is an extremely expensive disorder. Statistics from the Center of Disease Control show that diabetes costs the average diabetic $7900 per year. Medical costs are 2.3 times higher for diabetics than nondiabetics. In 2012, diabetes cost $245 billion in the United States. In a recent research study, it was shown that one third of all hospitalized patients in Southern California were diabetic.
You Have Everything to Lose
Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure and new onset blindness. Your risk for stroke and heart attack is 2 to 4 times higher when you have diabetes. 60% of all nontraumatic amputations occur in diabetics. 60 to 70% of all diabetics have mild to severe nervous system damage. Your health is your single most important asset. Taking chances with your health can lead to painful conditions, decreased quality of life and unfortunate premature death. Do not wait another day to allow your health to deteriorate farther. Diabetes is an easily manageable and controllable disorder. Take back control of your life today.