Your health is your most important asset.  Without your health, what good is money?  Without your health, how much can you enjoy life?  You're working hard today thinking that you'll have a great quality of life when you retire; but what if your health fails before retirement?  Let's face it, without your health your quality of life will be severely impaired.

It is time to treat your health as a priority in your life.  Exercise and nutrition should be your number one focus.  But, excuses abound: now just isn't a good time to make a life change, you need to wait for certain events to occur before you can start, you work long hours, you're a single parent, you'll start changing your life tomorrow (but tomorrow seems to turn into next week, which turns into next year, et cetera.).  Your excuses may be good but, unfortunately, your body doesn't care.  Consider this; a heart attack, stroke, or cancer will not pause to ask you if you have any good excuses before striking.  You can lose your health in the blink of an eye.  Once your health is gone, there is no turning back.  If you suffer a significant health event, there may be no amount of hard work to reverse the effects.

80% of illness in the United States is completely preventable.  It is time to take your health seriously and consider the consequences.  You may think that life isn't worth living if you have to give up eating your favorite foods and suffering through arduous exercise routines (neither of which have to occur to live a healthy lifestyle).  You may think that the unhealthy lifestyle you're engaging in will simply take a few years off your life.  While an unhealthy lifestyle will certainly take years off your life, it may also severely impact your quality of life long before you die.  You may spend your last 10 to 15 years in a wheelchair or hospital bed. An unhealthy lifestyle may have consequences far more severe than you're imagining.  I know these are rather harsh examples but I feel these are necessary to motivate people to simply adopt a three hour per week exercise routine with some mild alterations to diet and nutrition.  You have, within your power, the ability to avoid serious illness and greatly improve your quality of life.  Do not prolong changing your diet and exercise habits even one more day.  The time to change your life is now.