You want to lose weight.  You're trying to eat less but you simply can't seem to push away from the table soon enough. Or perhaps your problem is that you simply can't say no to that afternoon treat.  Whatever your weakness, this next piece of advice should help you to have an easier time in pursuing your weight loss goals.

The secret is to keep your blood nutrient/sugar levels more even.  Your drive to consume food is initiated in your brain, not your stomach.  When the brain perceives that blood sugar is low, it will trigger a hunger response.  As your body is highly intuitive, it will usually trigger a drive to consume food that will raise the blood sugar as quickly as possible.  What kind of foods do you suppose will do this the quickest?  The answer, of course, are foods high in simple sugar.  Foods like sodas, candy, cookies, etc. As these are also foods that are high in calories, your odds of gaining weight with frequent indulgence in these foods will likely result in weight gain.

So how can I keep my blood sugar more level?  The answer is to eat frequent, small meals.  This will provide your body with a steady stream of nutrients that will help keep your blood levels more stable and prevent your body from triggering a hunger response. By eatting six meals per day, you will find your ability to eat fewer calories, and not be ravenous, will be significantly improved.

Another strategy that will help you to consume fewer calories is to eat slower.  Once again, it is not your stomach that registers satiety.  It is your blood levels.  Your brain will continue to tell you that you're still hungry and that you need to eat more food until your digestive tract has processed enough nutrients into the bloodstream.  Once the nutrients enter the bloodstream, the brain will register that food has entered the system and that the drive to consume food can be lessened. If you consume food too quickly, you will consistently over eat.   You will keep piling calories into your stomach until the brain shuts off the hunger drive. The faster you eat, the more calories you will consume.

Here are some tips to help you consume fewer calories and eat slower: take small bites, chew your food well, rest between bites, and never go for seconds until at least 10 to 15 minutes has elapsed.  You will be amazed at how much less you can eat and still feel satisfied if you follow these simple tips.