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So far fasttrack1 has created 73 blog entries.
11 11, 2016

Heart Disease and Cardiac Rehabilitation


Heart disease is a serious affliction in America. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) about 1 in 4 deaths in the United States is due to heart disease and roughly 735,000 Americans have a heart attack each year (210,000 of which occur in people who have already had one before). 1 Fortunately, there [...]

Heart Disease and Cardiac Rehabilitation2022-01-14T05:57:57+00:00
10 11, 2016

Diabetes: How Physical Therapy Can Help


Diabetes is a serious disease that can have debilitating consequences if left unchecked. Estimates show nearly 26 million Americans have Diabetes and unless new preventative measures are taken, roughly 48.3 million people are estimated to be diagnosed with type II Diabetes by the year 2050. 1 Fortunately, there has been ample research on the topic [...]

Diabetes: How Physical Therapy Can Help2022-01-14T06:02:57+00:00
19 08, 2016

Benefits of Exercise – Part 1


The benefits of regular physical activity has been talked about for years, however the fitness levels of the average person in America are approaching alarming levels resulting in rising incidences of both preventable health diseases and early death.  According to the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, only about one in three adults get [...]

Benefits of Exercise – Part 12016-08-19T11:19:20+00:00
10 06, 2016

Neck Pain and Physical Therapy


Neck pain is one of the most common expensive problems in America. It is so common in fact that roughly two out of every three Americans experience some level of neck pain in their life and around five percent of the United States population at any one time has neck pain severe enough to be [...]

Neck Pain and Physical Therapy2022-01-14T05:59:45+00:00
24 05, 2016

Knee Pain: How Physical Therapy Can Help


Knee pain is the second most common type of chronic pain in America today and more than one in three people today are affected by long lasting knee problems such as arthritis. 1 & 2 If left unchecked, this knee pain can progress further and further until it become a major hindrance to everyday activities [...]

Knee Pain: How Physical Therapy Can Help2022-01-14T06:01:03+00:00
14 12, 2012

Dieting is a Life Sentence


This is a tough pill to swallow, but it's true.  Regardless of whether you're thin or overweight, you need to be mindful of your diet.  This doesn't necessarily mean that you need to be cutting calories to lose weight but it does mean you always need to be aware of the amount of calories that [...]

Dieting is a Life Sentence2012-12-14T18:30:56+00:00
7 12, 2012

Don’t Stretch


Many people incorporate stretching into their exercise routine.  They may perform stretching as a warm-up activity or as a way to improve flexibility.  In both these instances, stretching may be a big mistake.  In fact, stretching can actually predispose you to, or cause, an injury. Stretching prior to activity: Stretching prior to activity is a [...]

Don’t Stretch2012-12-07T06:31:57+00:00
16 11, 2012

Ladies: Exercise Smarter, Not Harder


In the last blog I established that there is no fear of ladies becoming excessively muscular with weightlifting.  Now it is time to address the next problem with ladies lifting weights.  Ladies, traditionally, tend to lift weights that are incapable of causing positive benefits.  Ladies regularly perform exercises with weights that are far too light.  [...]

Ladies: Exercise Smarter, Not Harder2012-11-16T15:24:07+00:00
16 11, 2012

Ladies: You Need to Lift Weights


Ladies are the recipients of a considerable amount of false information regarding exercise.  This causes ladies to adopt exercise routines that are not only ineffective but oftentimes harmful to their health.  It is the goal of this blog to help ladies apply research-based science to help them achieve their weight-loss and fitness goals. Weight Lifting: [...]

Ladies: You Need to Lift Weights2012-11-16T13:42:32+00:00
30 03, 2012

You Need To Lift Weights


Many people believe that cardiovascular exercise is sufficient to address all their exercise needs.  They engage in activities such as running, biking, or swimming thinking that they are receiving the maximum health benefit from thier exercise program.  They mistakenly think that weightlifting is either redundant or simply unnecessary.  People often look at weightlifting as an [...]

You Need To Lift Weights2022-01-14T06:01:57+00:00